Monday, March 17, 2008


I know many people on here have accused me of fuzzy math. I don't give a rat sass.

I just happen to be a math guy who enjoys fine-tuning the rules to make this league even better. And nobody can say that I would ever change things for my advantage. To further prove this point, I am now announcing a change in the bonus picks scoring system. My team just so happens to be tied for first place at this moment, but I want to find a way for folks to catch up if they are willing to take risks. I actually thought of this change last year, but forgot about it until last week.
So please pay attention to this scoring change.

Traditionally, we have three bonus picks after the performances worth 8, 5 and 2 points. From now on, you will have a total of 15 bonus points that you have to assign to three contestants in any way you want (each contestant must be assigned at least one point).

So bonus picks from last week could look like this:

8 - Hernandez
5 - Kristy Lee Cook
2 - Syesha


13 - Hernandez
1 - Kristy Lee Cook
1 - Syesha


5 - Hernandez
5 - Kristy Lee Cook
5 - Syesha

or any other configuration of 15 points.

So if you want to keep making bonus picks like we have been - that is totally fine because it fits the 15 point scheme - but if you want a bigger headache when making your picks, you have the freedom to assign the points how you want.

Just remember ...

- Total of 15 bonus points
- assign to 3 contestants (each one with at least one point)

If some of your math is off and you happen to assign more than 15 points, the points will be subtracted from each contestant starting with the highest ranked one (kind of like taking hotels off Monopoly properties).

If you have questions or complaints, please let me know.

1 comment:

profB said...

I have several complaints but they're not related to scoring . . .