Thursday, March 27, 2008


Looks like Chikezie is headed back to his TSA choir.

Last night Kristy was not even in the bottom three. Her plan of appealing to the Jasper, TN crowd worked.
I think Castro kind of deserved to be in the bottom three. Hopefully it will wake him up a bit to try harder.
Syesha shouldn't have been in the bottom three, but somehow Ramiele avoided that fate. I just looked it up and found that there were 1.4 million Filipino Americans according to the 1990 census (about 600,000 more than Japanese Americans). Apparently she is getting that vote along with all of Danny Noriega's fans - who are called Danimals or DannyFannys. That second one is just too much for me.

My favorite part of the show last night was the final pose for the group number. Michael Johns was on the far right and for that last note of the song he dropped to his knee and stuck his arm between Brooke White's legs. Interesting choreography.

Now, on to the scores. Bessie Moo gets her second weekly winner spot. She is mounting quite a comeback.

The scores are listed a little differently today.

Team name - (Top 12 score)(FullSeason Score)(PP Pick)(Bonus Pick)(Top 10 week score)

Bessie Moo - 40 155 10 7 17
Idolsmith - 38 148 8 8 16
Leftcoaster - 41 41 8 7 15
Sanjaya Rocks - 34 158 8 7 15
Fire and Ice - 42 150 8 6 14
Thaddeus Glapp - 40 161 9 5 14
AMightyWin - 40 40 9 5 14
PaulaTics - 40 170 8 6 14
JC - 39 167 8 6 14
Seacrest Out - 35 170 8 6 14
Team Shivers - 34 154 9 5 14
Yo Yo Dawg - 33 33 7 7 14
Team35 - 43 165 9 4 13
The Indiananans - 35 156 8 5 13
Badnewz - 32 129 8 5 13
Zebra Fight - 27 155 7 5 12
Simonsays - 36 151 6 5 11
profB - 35 158 8 2 10
Team Hasselhoff - 23 123 7 1 8
The New Last Place - 21 21 0 0 0


Julie Adkison said...

We have 3 comments/complaints:

1. Don't we get anything for predicting that Castro would be in the bottom 3??

2. When are you going to do your email introduction thing so we know who these new folks are who are tryin to move into our territory??

3. I want to go ahead and file a complaint that when Kristy comes to Nashville and gets a record deal, I am going to find myself shamelessly trying to get songs on her record - and that makes me feel like a hypocrite! Sigh.

TJ Smith said...

I personally don't think you should get any points for your prediction. That just wouldn't be right. Plus, that would give Bessie Moo even more points because she thought of it too. You wouldn't want that now would you? I have to say that I was scared you were right. It brought back memories of when the Master Bo Bice was put in the bottom three, then the bottom 2 after he sang "Freebird". Whew, that was a scary night. I heard that Bo is performing next Wednesday on the show. Yea! I hope that Jason learns from the Master on how to give a good show each and every time.

profB said...

Re: pt. 3, above: Ms. SimonSays = song ho.

There. I said it.

You know what, I wouldn't blame a sista for trying, though. Gots to pay for them Vegas trips somehow . . . oh, and bills and kiddo's college and stuff.

As for points, I'd give all my points back for the whole season not to have to listen to or watch Ramiele again.

Thus sayeth tha Prof.

Thaddeus Glapp said...

I'd give up points just to get someone to dry her lips off.

Bessie Moo said...

Mwa ha ha ha. It's good to know I haven't completely lost my touch. I may not win... or even come in second place like I did last season... but at least I've saved a little face.

Feels good.