Thursday, April 10, 2008

Its All Wrong, But Its Alright

RIP Johnsie

Dear Abby,

For some reason tonight my wife started having outbreaks of uncontrollable sobbing. I tell her I am sorry for whatever I did, but she just says she needs her time to grieve. I don't know what she is grieving - all I know is that she has never looked so heartbroken before. Every time I try to comfort her, she yells at me to move out of the way of the TV. The weird thing is that there is nothing playing on TV - the TiVo is just paused on some guy standing there on American Idol. But she is watching it like there is actually something on there. Do you think that she is mentally unstable or do I just need to go buy her some flowers or something?

- Confused in Tennessee

Dear Confused in Tennessee,

Michael Johns was just unfairly voted off of American Idol tonight. Women around the country are in mourning. It was just a week ago that he sang to us about Sexy Lovin' Lines. Just leave her alone and don't mention anything about Australia or even New Zealand for the next few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Dear Confused,
If it makes her feel any better, just tell her that she can shout to the Lord anytime she wants. I'm told He is listening...

Tarts of TN

TJ Smith said...

Dear Confused,

Don't be surprised if your wife starts calling you "Mate", or wants to "throw things on the barbie" for dinner. She may even ask you to wrestle a crocodile. If she does, I hope you do it.

Abby's friend

Bessie Moo said...

Wow, I'm really proud of you (and a little jealous) for writing to Dear Abby.

My husband said "Psh", rolled his eyes and walked out of the room when I dissolved into fits of delirious sobbing.

Team Hasselhoff said...

they sang shout to the lord? I thought you guys were kidding. i have to get home to watch it. what on earth is going on.