Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FINAL 5 - PP Picks

This week's PP Picks will still be worth double the points. Rank the contestants 1-5.

It is Neil Diamond week. Is it just me or are they making it difficult for the contestants to sing anything that is relevant for this day and time. Of course, I have no idea what is really relevant to this day and time.

Here are your lucky contestants with their pros and cons listed for your assistance.

Pros: Only white girl, seems nice, OK voice within her range
Cons: White girl, only seems nice, has three note range.

Pros: looks?, originality, if he gets voted off he won't remember it
Cons: looks?, mentally checked out, bad role model with all of the pot smoking and stuff (hehe)

Pros: sells a lot on iTunes, can actually sing, knows when to say no to old British men pretending to be 17 year-old girls
Cons: Annoying, Pompous, Arrogant, Worthy, Butt-rockerness, hair

Pros: looks, only African American contestant, looks more comfortable than Brooke
Cons: The boys are better, she is still just a bit off vocally, she looks totally different every week

Pros: every girl under 15 loves him, good voice
Cons: every girl under 15 loves him, his lips, his dad, that goofy smile


TJ Smith said...

Vote for a David/David finale or a newborn seal will DIE!!

Expect to see those words scrolling across the bottom of your TV screen tonight..funded by Randy Jackson, of course.

(okay, so I borrowed the newborn seal part from Michael Slezak from EW just in case he checks this blog out and tries to sue me for copying him)

Julie Adkison said...

Let's see if SimonSays can continue their comeback!!

5 Syesha
4 Brooke
3 Castro
2 Archuleta
1 Cook

Unknown said...

5 Brooke
4 Syesha
3 Castro
2 Archuleta
1 Cook

Melissa Broadwell said...

5. Syesha
4. Brooke
3. Jason
2. David A.
1. David C.

Anonymous said...

5. Syesha
4. Brooke
3. Castro
2. Archuleta
1. Cook

R R said...

5 Syesha my "Caramel Macchiato"
4 Brooke White as Hell
3 Jason Fidel Castro
2 Lil' Archie
1 David Cook

The Dahlgrens said...

5. Syesha
4. brooke
3. Jason
2. David A.
1. David C.

Leftcoaster said...

5 - syesha
4 - brooke
3 - castro
2 - archie
1 - cook

TJ Smith said...

5 Syesha
4 Brooke
3 Jason
2 David A
1 David C

I never thought I would want to hug Carly, but I did this afternoon. I heard an interview of her on Star 94 Atlanta where she was asked if Jason smokes and she said with exclamation "NO! AND He told me he has NEVER smoked a joint in his LIFE!" "WHAT?" shouted the interviewer and she said (sounding very Irish) "YES, I mean it, he's just naturally very chill."

See, Mr. Commish, I told you not to judge a book by its cover nor take into account any interviews done by Jason himself regarding musicals.

BUT this interview is one to pay attention to- found on AI website: Jason said and I quote "My goals in life are to be a loving father, devoted husband and to give of myself in service to others, because that's what matters in the end, what you have given to others." (sniff, sniff).

Revealing the above information is in no way a shameless attempt to recruit voters for JC tonight.

Amightywin! said...


Seacrest Out! said...

1- David A.

Seacrest Out! said...

1- David A.

Team Shivers said...

5. Syesha
4. Brooke
3. Jason
2. David C.
1. David A.

Bessie Moo said...

3-David Archuleta
2-Jason Castro
1-David Cook

I'm so sick of David Archuleta I could puke.

Love to all! :-)

The PaulaTics said...

5. Syesha
4. Brooke
3. Castro
2. Cook
1. Archie

Thaddeus Glapp said...

Ok, I'm posting late because the Commish posted late. I checked all day for the PP Pick post until I had to go to work, just got off, haven't watched anything yet.

5-Syesha Merc
4-Brooke White
3-Jason Castro
2-David Arch
1-David Cook

Team Hasselhoff said...

oh great idolschmidol peers! we are road weary travellers, just home to take our rest. we have been on the road since we saw you all at the infamous idolschmidol party. we have not seen any of tonight's show, and you know we don't cheat, because we are in dead last place. please accept our late picks...

5. Syesha
4. Jason
3. Brooke
2. David A
1. David C

TJ Smith said...

Jason has to feel like the kid who found out there's no Santa. To hear your critique before you sing...Wow! If Paula doesn't stop smoking the weed people are sending Jason. I'm quitting this whole show. AND, I'm not kidding.

Julie Adkison said...

I'm with ya, TJ, that was BIZARRE!! What the heck??

However, your boy did sorta phone those performances in - don'tcha think??

TJ Smith said...

Mrs. SimonSays,

What does phone those performance in mean? I don't have the emotional strength to understand what you mean. All I know, is that my boy Jason better kick it up a notch before he's kicked out. He is in serious trouble that's all I know! Maybe that is what you meant by he phoned them in. Half there? If so, you are right.

I don't think American Idol is good for my health.

TJ Smith said...

Although, Jason seemed somewhat absent emotionally, he sounded really good to me on both songs and I will be putting both on my Ipod. Listen again without the bias of the judges ringing in your ears and you will see. If you don't agree, please don't tell me because I am not in a good mood. Just ask Mr. IdolSmith. He's already tried to start some trouble over here with his critiques.

I imagine knowing you will get slammed before you go one wouldn't help a person's confidence. BUT that's just me.

TJ Smith said...

So sorry to keep posting, but I can't help it. Just wanted to laugh at Brooke shouting "NO! NO!, NO!" when Simon called her performance a nightmare. That was HER yelling NO with drunk/high Paula agreeing. They both are something else.

profB said...

profB texted these pre-show to the Commish, who must have gotten a day job in the midst of American Idol season. [Hey--see if your mgr at Guitar Center will let you off on Idol days so you can TCB, huh?]

5- syesha
4- jason c
3- brooke
2- archie
1- david cook

Syesha = BTE. Brooke = wearin' me out. Jason C = I'm not gonna say anything for fear of the wrath of Mrs. Smith . . .

Thus sayeth tha prof.

Oh--and any of y'all wanna grade some papers??

Seacrest Out! said...

Castro - painful. Someone tap him on the shoulder and tell him it is time to wake up. I seriously fall to sleep just watching him stand there.

TJ Smith said...

Well, you are a wise ole professor aren't you? Just don't say "get thee gone" to Jason tonight, Prof B. Just don't say it.

And Seacrest Out, I hope I don't see you in an alley somewhere. Since we've never met, you should be in good shape.

IDOL said...

Yes. ProfB did text me his picks yesterday at 5:20 PM. However the picks he sent me are different from the ones he posted on here. Here is his actual text ...

"Commish, you are so cool. I totally understand that you haven't posted on the blog yet because you are a very important man and you are doing important things. Here are my measly little picks.

5. David Cook - get thee gone
4. Archuleta - just horrible
3. Castro - Dreadful - get it?
2. Brooke - a ray of pure sunshine
1. Syesha - The best singer I have ever heard since Gloria Estefan

Man I miss Carly.


IDOL said...

From Zebra Fight

1. COok
2. Archie
3. Jason
4. Syesha
5. Brooke

profB said...

I hate the Commish. May one of his songs end up being sung too-earnestly Brooke White record in small clubs and tiny coffeehouse stages across America.

Crazy IdolSmith, don't look at my bonus picks . . .


TheNewLastPlace said...

5 Brooke
4 Cook
3 Syesha
2 Jason
1 Archuleta