Monday, March 10, 2008


It is time for the Final 12 Pre-Performance picks. By the way, I am tired of typing out "Pre-Performance" Picks - so they will now be referred to as P.P.Picks. Rank the singers 1-12 giving 12 points to the person you think is MOST likely to be voted out. When the contestant is voted out Wednesday night, you will get the amount of points you allotted to that singer. Leave your picks as a comment to this post.

Also, don't forget to e-mail me your Prediction Picks (which are totally separate from these PPPicks) before the performances tonight. See the entry below for a description of these picks.

Last week it seemed like Amanda was tired of being made fun of. She was probably angry about the picture of Stripe I included in her description last week. So she will either be performing with a vengeance or she might do something stupid to throw the competition because she hates all of the shiny happy people she has to hang around all day.

I don't think Michael is at all interested in winning American Idol. He might even be happy to make an exit before he is forced to sign away his firstborn son to 19 Entertainment. He is kind of too mature and professional for this show anyways and the deeper he gets in the competition, the less street cred he might have in the genre he needs to be in.

I originally thought Brooke would be one of the first blondies to go. Now it looks like she will just might take a seat in one of her huge hoop earrings and ride it to the final 6. If they have a LOTR Elvish Theme week, she would be awesome even though she probably hasn't seen the movies - with their PG-13 rating and all.

Well, I was mostly wrong about Jason last week. I thought he was going to fail miserably without his guitar because we would be able to focus more on his weird facial expressions. Everyone still liked him. I don't think he is going anywhere anytime soon.

I just don't know what to think of Carly anymore. Supposedly she is still very popular with the voters, but I can totally picture on any given week that people will just not have any motivation to vote for her. There is nothing endearing other than her accent. I still think she has a good voice, but I feel the same way about Josh Groban and I have never had a desire to listen to him.

I mean, what is the difference, really, between a gay stripper and, say, a female cage fighter. What is the big deal? Just because he danced around naked doesn't mean that he doesn't fit in on American Idol. Strangely, it actually makes him more qualified - which you will clearly see when it is Sodom & Gommorah Theme week.


Did you ever have one of the high school cheerleaders in your speech class? They were the ones who always looked presentable and covered the bases of what they were supposed to talk about yet seemed like they didn't really know anything about what they were talking about. That is what I think of whenever Kristy performs. Dead behind the eyes.

I must admit that I didn't like David very much at the beginning. He fails my hair threshold test. He kind of has the voice of a butt-rocker. But I actually really liked his version of "Hello" last week - even though it didn't include one of my favorite solos of all time or a blind girl on stage making a clay sculpture of his head. This might seem weird, but the part that really made me respect him was at the end. He sang "But let me start by saying ..." and I was expecting the "I love you" line which was going to make me cringe in that setting. But then he skipped the cheesy part and went back to "Hello - is it me you're looking for." Tastefully done Mr. Cook.

How many Filipinos and really short people are there in this country? I mean, she has that vote locked up but I just don't know how long it will keep her in the competition. Some people seem to like her because she is "spunky". I just don't think she will be able to stand out long-term. She is more like-able than Amanda, Kristy and Carly but she might not outlast them.

When this guy hits puberty his luck is totally going to change. Just picture him with Carrico's do-rag and Luke Menard's five-o'clock shadow while playing David Cook's electric guitar. That might be the only way he could lose ground in this competition. He would lose almost all of his nice guy appeal. But the good news is I think Archie has a good 4 years left before his mustache appears.

I have a scary feeling that Syesha could be the Brandon Rogers of last year. He and Melinda were the favorites going into the Final 12 and he was voted off that first week. I think he could sing better than Syesha can, but she definitely has the edge on the performance side. It is weird to think that she could realistically come in 2nd or 12th.

I hate to say it, but many people think that Chikezie made it to the top 12 because he was the only African-American of the final guys - so he had that vote locked in. Well, if that is true it sure seems that Syesha would take those votes from him now because she is much better. That could mean trouble for our friend T.C. who might just be taking his chopper home very soon.


Seacrest Out! said...

Watch them fall just like this!

12 - Chickezie Eze
11 - Amanda Overmyer
10 - Remiele Mulubay
9 - Kristy Lee Cook
8 - David Hernandez
7 - Brooke White
6 - Jason Castro
5 - Carly Smithson
4 - David Cook
3 - Syesha Mercado
2 - David Archuleta
1 - Michael Johns

Thaddeus Glapp said...

11-David Hernandez
10-Amanda Overmeyer
9-Kristy Lee Cook
8-Ramiele Malubay
7-Brooke White
6-Jason Castro
5-David Cook
4-Syesha Mercado
3-Carly Smithson
2-Michael Johns
1-David Archuleta

This is getting tough.

Unknown said...

12 Overmyer
11 Chikezie
10 Kristy Lee Cook
9 White
8 Hernandez
7 Malubay
6 Smithson
5 David Cook
4 Castro
3 Johns
2 Mercado
1 Archuleta

Bessie Moo said...

12- Chikezie
11- Kristy Lee Cook
10- Amanda Overmyer
9 - Carly Smithson
8 - David Hernandez
7 - Syesha Mercado
6 - David Cook
5 - Brooke White
4 - Ramiele Malubay
3 - Michael Johns
2 - Jason Castro
1 - David Archuleta

I'm making a comeback this week - so don't cheat off of me!

Leftcoaster said...

12 - Chikezie Eze
11 - Ramiele Malubay
10 - David Hernandez
9 - Amanda Overmyer
8 - Syesha Mercado
7 - Kristy Lee Cook
6 - Carly Smithson
5 - Brooke White
4 - David Cook
3 - Michael Johns
2 - Jason Castro
1 - David Archuleta

i'm already stressed and i'm a newbie... scary.

Team Hasselhoff said...

I thought we were making a some gains, but then realized that was just one week's score... what's the equivalent to hitting someone in the knee with a crowbar in this game? It will come to me.

12. Chikezie
11. Amanda Overmyer
10. Kristy Lee Cook
9. Brooke White
8. Ramiele Malubay
7. David Hernandez
6. Carly Smithson
5. David Cook
4. Michael Johns
3. Syesha Mercado
2. Jason Castro
1. David Archuleta

Amightywin! said...

We're toasting to.....the heat of it go down like this:

12 Amanda Overmeyer
11 David Hernandez
10 Kristi Lee Cook
9 Chekeziezieie
8 Carly Smithson
7 Ramiele Malubey
6 David Cook
5 Brooke White
4 Michael Jons
3 Jason Castro
2 SyeshaMercado
1 David Archie

Julie Adkison said...

12 Chikeze Eze
11 Kristy Lee Cook
10 David Hernandez
09 Amanda Overmeyer
08 Syesha Mercado
07 David Cook
06 Jason Castro
05 Ramiele Malubay
04 Michael Johns
03 Carly Smithson
02 Brooke White
01 David Archuleta

profB said...

These bottom 5 could really be in any order, as could the top 7. Weird week:

12- Ramiele Malubay
11- Kristy Lee Cook
9- David Hernandez
10- Chikezie
8- Amanda Overmyer
7- Carly Smithson
6- Jason Castro
5- Michael Johns
4- Syesha Mercado
3- Brooke White
2- David Cook
1- David Archuleta


The PaulaTics said...

12. KKKristy
11. Chick Easy
10. Hernandez
9. Amanda
7. Carly
6. Ramiele
5. Brooke
4. David Cook
3. Johns
2. Castro
1. Archie

Team Shivers said...

12. Chikezie
11. Kristy Lee Cook
10. Amanda
9. Ramielle
8. David Hernandez
7. Brooke
6. Jason Castro
5. Syesha
4. Carly
3. Michael Johns
2. David Cook
1. David A.

TheNewLastPlace said...

12. Overmyer
11. Cook
10. Johns
09 Chikezie
08. Malubay
07. Hernandez
06. White
05. Castro
04. Cook
03. Mercado
02. Archuleta
01. Carly Smithson

Melissa Broadwell said...

12.Kristy Lee
8.David Hernandez
7.Jason Castro
6.David Cook
4.David Cook
3.David Johns
2.Carly Smithson
1.David Archuleta

The Dahlgrens said...

12. chikezie
11. David Hernandez
10. Kristy Lee
9. Amanda
8. Carly
7. Ramielle
6. Brooke
5. David cook
4. Jason
3. Syesha
2. Michael Johns
1. David A.

The Dahlgrens said...

12. chikezie
11. David Hernandez
10. Kristy Lee
9. Amanda
8. Carly
7. Ramielle
6. Brooke
5. David cook
4. Jason
3. Syesha
2. Michael Johns
1. David A.

R R said...

12 - Chickezie Eze
11 - Kristy Lee Cook
10 - Amanda Overmyer
9 - David Hernandez
8 - Jason Castro
7 - Brooke White
6 - Remiele Mulubay
5 - Carly Smithson
4 - David Cook
3 - Syesha Mercado
2 - David Archuleta
1 - Michael Johns

The Indiananans said...

12-chikezie eze
11-kristy lee cook
10-david hernandez
9-amanda overmeyer
8-ramiele malubay
7-syesha mercado
6-michael johns
5-jason castro
4-karly smithson
3-david cook
2-brooke white
1-davy archuleta

TJ Smith said...

12 Kristy
11 Amanda
10 Chikezie
9 David Cook
8 David Hernandez
7 Syesha
6 Ramele
5 Brooke
4 Carly
3 Jason
2 Micheal
1 David A

Yo-Yo Dawg said...

12- Kristy Lee Cook
11- Jason Castro
10- Chikezie
9- Amanda Overmyer
8- David Hernandez
7- David Cook
5-Brooke White
3-Carly Smithson
2-David Archuleta
1- Michael Johns

Zebra Fight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zebra Fight said...

Zebra Fight pleads with the league to grant mercy for our grievous infraction. Zebra Fight has been terribly busy. Zebra Fight hasn't watched one second of tonight's show, and Zebra Fight doesn't lie.

12. Ramiele Malubay
11. Kristy Lee Cook
10. Chikieze Eze
9. Carly Smithson
8. Amanda Overmyer
7. David Hernandez
6. Syesha Mercado
5. Jason Castro
4. David Cook
3. Brooke White
2. Michael Johns
1. David Archuleta

profB said...

Can we vote Zebra Fight out?

Seacrest Out! said...

Seacrest Out is sad for Zebra Fight. Zebra Fight thinks Zebra Fight can do what ever Zebra Fight wants. Poor Zebra Fight. Poor Poor Zebra Fight.

IDOL said...

Team 35's picks sent by e-mail ...

12. amanda ovaries
11. david lap dance hernandez
10. Ramielle
9. Chickeze
8. David cook
7. Kristy lee Cook
6. Carly Smithson
5. syesha
4. brooke white
3. michael lee john
2. jason castro
1. david archuletta