Tuesday, May 13, 2008

FINAL 3 - PP Picks

Time to make your PP Picks for the final 3. There is a 4x multiplier this week.


I got this fine illustration from VoteForTheWorst.com. That site is so pathetic because it has changed its contestant fifty times this year. So now that they are down to the final three - they decide that they are going to support Archie. How daring of you guys.
However, I do like the puppet and I love the name they have given Archuleta - Gaspy. That is pretty funny.


Thaddeus Glapp said...


Leftcoaster said...

3 - syesha
2 - cook
1 - archie

Leftcoaster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TJ Smith said...

3. Carly
2. Johnsie
1. Jason

profB said...

Poor Idol Smith. Let it go!! Let the healing begin!

1- Cook
2- Arch
3- Syesha

Not so sure about Archie--he may be in danger this week. Or, maybe getting his $%#@ dad out from behind the stage will help.

Prof B leaves for England (taking 18 college students he's supposed to be responsible for) on Thursday and so will have to telecommute for the rest of the season. He regrets he won't be able to see if "Call In Drunk" wins the songwriting contest.

Unknown said...

3 - Syesha
2 - David A
1 - David C

Amightywin! said...

1- Archie

R R said...

3 Syesha
2 Cook
1 Archie

Seacrest Out! said...

3 Syesha
2 Cook
1 Archie

(used by permission by Billy Joel)

The Indiananans said...


Anonymous said...

3. Syesha
2. Archuleta
1. Cook

Julie Adkison said...

3 - Syesha
2 - Cook
1 - Archaletta

Bessie Moo said...

I'm finding it hard to even care at this point. Somehow I lost my brilliance this year...


The Dahlgrens said...

3. syesha
2. cook
1. archuleta

TJ Smith said...

Sorry, posted the picks in my dream earlier. Here's a puzzle for you, Commish..

3. Sleepy
2. Happy
1. Cocky

If you need help, let me know.

Yo-Yo Dawg said...

3. syesha
2. cook
1. arch

yahh hoooo

Team Shivers said...

3. Syesha
2. David A.
1. David C.

Melissa Broadwell said...

2.David A.
1.David C.

TJ Smith said...

After watching David A's first song, I realized that my tricky post may confuse you..so just for the record

3. Snoozesha -turning up the actressing tonight
2. David A
2. Cookster

TJ Smith said...

Mr. IdolSmith was a little confused tonight during David A.'s 2nd song and had to rewind it a couple of times..he thought David A. was singing "with you and you and you and you" in the Chris Brown song and going Mormon on everybody. He was confused for a second, but it was funny. Really funny, actually.

IDOL said...

From Hasselhoffs
3. Syesha
2. Archie
1. cook

From Paulatics
3. Syesha
2. Cook
1. Archie