Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This was the picture in Jason's mind while he was singing last night.

Time for the Bonus Picks. Same as last week - 15 points divided up however you want.

There were at least a few moments last week when I felt like just shooting myself to avoid having to watch the rest of the show. As much as I wasn't a huge fan of Carly - the show was better when she and Johnsie were in it. Who am I supposed to care about now?

I know the answer is supposed to be Jason Castro (IdolSmith) and I think that is actually who I care the most about. I think he is a goofball. He might not be a stoner but he might be a little more coherent if he was. It sure does seem, though, that he doesn't want to be in the competition anymore. I am not a Syesha fan but at least she really seemed to bring it emotionally. I say if he wants to go home - he should probably go.

Remember when Kristy Lee Cook got voted off? Nobody picked her because it was right after her best performance. Same with Carly. So even though most people thought Syesha would be going before the performances last night - it could be a surprise that she is actually voted off considering how badly Jason Castroted those songs. Who knows?

As for Davy Cook? I never thought I would say this but you could give him a face-transplant using Tyne Daly's face and it would be an improvement at this point. I can't stand to see his smug facial expressions one more time. On top of that, I thought his songs last night sucked. The first one helped me realize how great Simon Le Bon's voice really was. The second song sucked too. He only picked it so that he could sing that long high note - which wasn't really that great. Could he be folding under the pressure?

I would have some comments about David Archuleta but I think I fell asleep after the first 15 seconds of each of his performances. Stand By Me? Love Me Tender? Really? His record is going to be as exciting as Mannheim Steamroller's Romantic Themes record. The sad thing is that he has a really nice voice technically.

At this point I would be happy if they brought Jason Yeager back.


Julie Adkison said...

We're going all in!

15 Jason "I'm ready to go home" Castro

(btw, IdolSmith, EW is quite a reputable magazine!)


Whichever configuration of these folks ends up being our top 3 - it is disappointing any way you slice it!

Leftcoaster said...

just woke up... still on the couch... must've fallen asleep sometime during the show.

heard enough to vote though...

15 - Castro

...even if i'm wrong - i can't in good conscience vote otherwise.

Bessie Moo said...

This was one of my favorite posts to date, Mr. Commish. The Tyne Daly thing just killed me. How nice of her to autograph a picture for you, though. And I so agree about Simon Le Bon. Fan.

Picks later...

The Dahlgrens said...

15- Jason Castro

R R said...

3 - Clinton
2- McCain
1 - Obama

TJ Smith said...

Mrs. SimonSays,
I'm so tired of defending Jason to the naysayers, but I read the entire interview and saw Michael Slezak ask Jessica Shaw about it and the quotes were taken out of context. He was recovering from pneumonia and said he felt like going home at the moment then retracted. He is young and not used to interviews and naive to think that it would be used against him. Since I am an official dreadhead and privy to such information, I will tell you that he wanted to stay and perform at
A & M. Not that anybody cares anymore. At the moment I am mad at Jason for blowing the one week he could have done well and giving Snoozesha a free pass to the final 3. But, he wanted to sing Marley, so let him sing. I did love him doing Dylan though and that's a fact.

Now Prof B. question for you...since you are an Aggie and a cowboy, is there a proper way to ship manure? Preferably fresh and from the largest bull in the rodeo. I'd like to send a present to Simon. He is so generous giving it out, I thought he'd like some himself.

Now, Mrs. SimonSays,if you read in one of those reputable magazines that Simon gets a special gift, you'll know that its true and you'll know who sent it.

I don't feel up to the picks now.

Thaddeus Glapp said...

15 - Castrato

Melissa Broadwell said...

At this point we have nothing to lose, so here goes nothin'...


profB said...

Prof B is an Aggie; Prof B is not a cowboy, however. [Shut up, Commish.]

My picks:

13- Castroctomy
2- Syesha

I think we need to hold a prayer vigil for IdolSmith.

Still grading--

the prof

Zebra Fight said...

10. Jason Castro
5. Syesha

Zebra Fight is starting to wonder if the Commish speaks about David Cook with such vehemence because he has a secret crush. It's called "dissociation" in psychological terms.

profB said...

It's because they look alike.

Amightywin! said...


Seacrest Out! said...

15 Castro

The Indiananans said...

15 for Jason "I was thinkin' Bob Marley!" Castro.

Team Shivers said...

12. Jason
3. Syesha

Anonymous said...

13. Castro
2. Syesha

R R said...

15 - Jason

Unknown said...

Posting at the last second...

15 Castro

Yo-Yo Dawg said...


Oh boy!

Julie Adkison said...

Aw, Mrs. IdolSmith! No matter what happens tonight, just try to treasure all the great moments you had with Jason. And hey, chances are he'll end up in Nashville and maybe you can stalk him around Chuck E. Cheese's too (or Rumba).

I stand corrected on the EW article. I'll give you that he was taken out of context. However, forgetting the lyrics is another way of saying "I'm ready to go home!"

Ya know what - how funny is it going to be when Syehsa Ho goes home tonight instead of Castro??

Mr. IdolSmith needs to have the padded room standing by, just in case...........

TJ Smith said...

I can't do it

I can't do it

And I'm not kidding. It wasn't supposed to end this way...NOOOOOOOOOO


TJ Smith said...

12 my boy
3 Syesha

At least I get to see Bo sing. He was my #1 man, Jason be my boy. Maybe I'll make lemonade outta this night ..I get to see both my faves sing.

IDOL said...

Paulatics ...
10. Castro
5. Syesha

Bessie Moo said...

Oops - just walked in from church and haven't turned on the TV yet. :-)


Not that it would do me any good since apparently everyone else has the same idea...

Yeah, his 2 songs pretty much nailed his coffin. :-(

Seacrest Out! said...

There is a major party going on at the Seacrest Out! home. Brooke White's version of HERE COMES THE SUN blaring down the halls, phones ringing off the hook. A general feeling of justice being done tonight.

Just think how much more pleasant this season could have been if every slot taken by Jason Castro was filled by a young talented boy who lives in his car named Josiah Leming. I dedicate this night to him.

TJ Smith said...

I don't like you Seacrest Out. Its not nice to kick someone when they're down. OUCH!

I liked Josiah but he was too cocky and that's why he was living in his car.


Alas, I am at peace. It is finished.

PS: Prof B, can I come visit you when you teach at A&M next year? ALso, do you know where the landscape architecture department is? no reason..

TJ Smith said...

Okay, sorry for saying I don't like you, Seacrest Out. But I'm not having a party at my house and I'd rather not hear about yours.

BUT since this is an open forum and you can say what you want.. party on.

I will stand firm on no burritos though.

TJ Smith said...

I mean who lives in their car?

profB said...

Yeah--remind Seacrest Out of that when end-of-the-season bonus points roll around . . . And yes! Come on down. I have a vague idea of where it is . . .


Julie Adkison said...

FINALLY! We have some good trash talkin going on! Isn't that why we all joined this league in the first part. I mean, winning that Clay Aiken book at the Idol Shcmidol party was just icing for me!

Prof and Mrs. IdolSmith - you two would be dangerous together! You MUST meet! :)

profB said...

Mrs. SimonSays, I was singin' your song this week . . .