Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Time for those bonus picks. Once again we have 4 picks worth 8, 6, 4 & 2 points. You can assign them to ANY contestants you think will get voted off. Team Seacrest out got all 20 points last week. Can they do it again?

I would have been writing this much earlier in the evening, but I keep having to go comfort my son who seems to be having some nightmares tonight. I think I know why. We let him watch the first handfull of performances tonight. This is what is probably haunting his dreams --->

Here are some of my thoughts from the Week 2 Performances ...

I am tired of Randy and Paula saying "it was the wrong song" instead of just saying they did a bad job. I mean if they sang it well then you wouldn't have had any problems with the song. Amanda didn't pick the wrong song, she just sounded like crap and looked even less appealing. More on that later ...

Chikezie and David Hernandez get the "most improved" award for the guys. I am still confused as to who is in charge of Eze's wardrobe. Nobody has ever accused me of being fashion conscious, but it seems like Chikezie is dressing the way my mom would dress me if she still could. Twenty bucks he had on navy knee socks last night.

Speaking of wardrobe - I am confused by Alexandrea's clothing choice as well. First it was the suspenders look which was fine with me. Tonight she mixed a Northern Exposure look with Jamz shorts. I actually liked the song she chose - which the judges told her was the "wrong song." They then said that she has a powerhouse voice that she needed to show off. I think they are wrong. She is sweet and all but her voice is NOT that good. Mark my words.

Danny looks like he is about 6'10" when he wears those skinny jeans and that checkered sweater. I thought his vocals were much worse this week than last, but I guess the judges are hearing something different.

Mrs. Commissioner liked Brooke's performance. Although I like Brooke as a person and I think she probably gets the "most improved" award for the girls, I couldn't quite stomach her performance. I was turned off by a mixture of how she strummed her guitar and her jerky head movements. She is strangely not ugly and uncomfortable to look at at the same time. Dang. Another way she is like Haley Scarnato.

I totally called it about David Cook and his guitar. I actually thought he did OK.

I think Kristy Lee Cook looks much prettier in the footage of her at home with her horses. Now she is all frizzed out and is wearing something old ladies wear to church.

Jason Yeager. Jason, Jason, Jason. I guess if you are going to pick a song with only three notes in it, you might as well sing it like you are performing at Pigeon Forge. If he makes it through this week you know that his son has organized a voting army.

Carly hit the big notes tonight - I guess. She seems to be proving that she can sing but I don't think anyone cares. When she is performing I feel like I am watching her play a video game that she has been practicing a long time. She is totally into it and thinks that we are as excited as she is about finishing each level when really it is just boring. Pretty soon we might just be happy to see her lose.

Speaking of Carly, next week should be songs from the 1980's. I think it would be totally weird if Carly did a Culture Club song because I am convinced she looks even more like Boy George than she does Steve Perry.

Here is what will happen to Mr. Castro next week. He will follow the judges advice to ditch the guitar. He will do an uncomfortably sub-mediocre vocal performance. The judges will tell him that it wasn't his week and somehow he didn't seem like himself - that he lost what it was that made them like him. Without the guitar he could just be a weird singer with funky hair.

Strangely enough, Alaina might actually be one of the top three final girls. Even if Ramiele, Asia'h, Syesha and Carly are better - Alaina is more likable than Carly and tradition has shown that with all of the young white people concentrating their votes on her, the minority votes will get split pretty easily.

Luke Menard just sounded weird. Apparently his wussy helium voice is just what that acapella group needs.

If Asia'h can sport some hair extensions without any criticism, I guess we should treat Robbie Carrico with the same respect as well. Honestly - I can't imagine him actually wearing a wig. I mean, it does look like it - but that is just so pathetic. It would explain him wearing a hat all the time (even under his drag racing helmet). Mrs. Commissioner said tonight that if his hair piece fell off during a show it just might be one of the greatest moments in American Idol TV history.

I can't pass up the drag racing bit for Mr. Carrico. To what lengths will this guy go to prove that he is hard core? He almost cried when Randy said he didn't seem like a rocker. Next week (if he is around) he will probably be sporting a new tattoo on his neck. If that doesn't work, he might just pull out a Glock and shoot Ryan Seacrest in the thigh to make a point.

You know things are bad for Amanda when even Paula is making comments about how weird she looks. The bad thing is that they can't tell her to dress naturally because that will either be the biker clothes she has been wearing or the classic P.E. teacher outfit that consists of tight gym shorts, K-Swiss shoes and a whistle around her neck. Paula did say that Amanda could dance. Well, in an amazon tribal kind of way - I guess I agree.

Michael Johns was OK - but didn't really nail those big notes. There really isn't much more that is endearing about him.

Speaking of endearing - we might as well just crown Archuleta winner of Season 7. That really was one of the best vocal performances I have ever seen on AI - and I have seen almost all of them (I am sad to say). He really is like Melinda Doolittle to me. Melinda was as kind as she was vocally flawless. Archie has the advantage though with the young vote and all of the crazy girls that love him. I read a quote today saying that if Melinda and Archuleta had a kid, it would win hands down - not just American Idol but the lottery, bingo, etc..

OK - get those bonus picks in.


Thaddeus Glapp said...

8-Luke Menard
6-Jason Yeager
4-Amanda (I hope I'm wrong, but she was abominable last night.)
2-Kady Malloy (had to flip a coin to decide who was worse and most forgettable, Kady or Alexandrea)

profB said...

First, some thoughts:

Commissioner, I'm not going to send you witty comments if you're going to steal them. What are you, Barack Obama?

profB still says Carly's over-rated. Syesha was alright, as was Asia'h. Brooke was better but she's going to have to improve quick to stay in this. Man, I hope Kady goes home this week (see below); Alaina wasn't as impressive as last week. Kristy Lee was better, if a bit awkward. Alexandrea pulled off-ish a 'stand there and sing it number'--but she should'a gone with some Stevie or EWF, as tha prof advised. She doesn't, as the commish points out, have the pipes of Asia'h or Syesha. Gotta play to your strengths, baby!

David Archuleta's performances the last two weeks have been just amazing. He'll have to do something mega-stupid to lose this (we all thought the same about Melinda--but she didn't have the cute kid appeal he does). Hope the iTunes version of Imagine is as good as what he sang this week. I thought Robbie's part looked crooked last week--now I know why. Michael Johns and Castro were less impressive this week than D. Cook. Hernandez and Chikeze were much improved--but they're still not long for this contest. One'a them and Carrico are next to go.

8- Jason Yeager
6- Amanda Overmyer
4- Kady Malloy
2- Luke Menard

I'd be really happy never to have to hear any of them sing again. Robbie might deserve that last spot even more, but he wasn't snippy with the judges.



The Indiananans said...

8 - Luke Menard
6 - Jason Yeager
4 - Amanda Overmeyer
2 - Kristy Lee Cook

Seacrest Out! said...

Oh the pressure to remain on top - I feel it again this week...especially after I emailed my contact at 19 Management. Kidding - that would be unethical and plus no one really knows the results until they are announced by the man himself....right.

8 Jason Yeager
6 Kady Malloy
4 Amanda Overmeyer
2 Chikezie Eze

R R said...

8 Jason Yeager
6 Kady Malloy
4 Amanda Overmeyer
2 Luke Menard

Julie Adkison said...

8 Jason Yeager
6 Amanda Overmeyer
4 Luke Menard
2 Kady Malloy

It would be much easier to forecast the frontrunners! There are so many that are vying for worst!!

The Dahlgrens said...

8 Kady Malloy
6 Luke Menard
4 Amanda Overmeyer
2 Jason Yeager

my sole comment from the week: Will someone please show Michael Johns how to use a microphone?

Bessie Moo said...

8- Amanda Overmyer
6- Jason Yeager (I didn't think he was as bad this week, but they gave him no mercy)
4 - Alexandrea Lushington (just have that feeling)
2 - Robbie Carrico (just to be different)

Anonymous said...

8. Amanda Overmyer
6. Jason Yeager
4. Luke Menard
2. Kady Malloy

The PaulaTics said...

8. Luke Menard
6. Kady Malloy
4. Jason Yeager
2. Alexandrea

Zebra Fight said...

8. Jason Yeager
6. Christy Lee Cook
4. Luke Menard
2. Amanda Overmeyer

Team Shivers said...

8. Jason Yeager
6. Kady Malloy
4. Luke Menard
2. Amanda Overmeyer

Melissa Broadwell said...

8. Luke Menard
6. Kady Malloy
4. Jason Menard
2. Amanda Overmyer

IDOL said...

Team Hasselhoff called in these picks just before walking out on stage like rock stars ...

8 Kady
6 Yeager
4 Amanda
2 MeNards

TJ Smith said...

OKAY!! Now its our time to plead grace from the mighty Idol Council..we just returned from a basketball tournament and forgot to bring the laptop with us...SO, here's hoping you will count any points that we may score because we sure need any that we can get...

8 Kady
6 Jason Y
4 Luke
2 Alexandrea

TJ Smith said...

Forgot to say that the first stop after entering the back door was the computer -our TV is OFF!!

R R said...


Bessie Moo said...


Seacrest Out! said...

Wow. Stunned. Congrats Bessie Moo - 3 out of 4 is great this week.

Zebra Fight said...

Zebra Fight is stunned.

Also, we can't stop thinking that Luke Menard looks like Jeremy Casella.

profB said...

Crap--sorry to see Alexandrea gone, and surprised that Alaina lost out to Kady. Now we have to listen to Luke, Amanda, and Miss Princess yet again. : (

Thaddeus Glapp said...

I can't stop thinking that Danny Noriega looks like Jessica Alba, and it's ruining all my Jessica Alba dreams.